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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Calorie Restriction Diet Plan - Top Diets to Restrict Calories Not Nutrients For Healthy Weight Loss

Almost all weight loss programs advertise in a similar manner. They enlist the ingredients and ensure that you shall lose a given number of pounds in a few weeks. What they do not mention in detail is the nutritional value of the plan. The point is that any diet plan that you opt for should restrict your calories but it must also give you all the required nutrients. For that matter, ever fat & carbohydrates are essential for the body. The balanced diet must comprise of 30% fat and a minimal level of good carbohydrates that strengthen the intestines. An ideal calorie restriction plan would work out the number of calories your body needs as per the weight, height and age. Based on this it would keep you away from the unnecessary foods.

Here are some tips that would help you plan your own calorie restriction diet plan that also comprises of the other necessary nutrients:

High Fiber Foods

The best and the safest means to lose weight safely is a high fiber diet. In this you must take raw fruits & vegetables in the form of salads & juices. Keep away from sugar & excess salt. As sweeteners you might choose to use apple or honey. Add healthy flavoring to the salad using fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper and low sodium salt.

Acai Berry Diet

Acai is a wonder fruit grown on the acai palm trees of Brazil's Amazonian rain forests. It is a true superfood that comprises of all essential nutrients like vitamins, minerals, fiber, healthy fatty acids, amino acids and anti oxidants. A very effective means to lose weight is to stick to a fat & sugar free diet and along side take pure acai diet supplements. Make sure that the supplement you choose is pure acai and has no unnecessary & harmful ingredients. It would serve as a great calorie restriction diet plan as it gives you all a balanced diet in its purest form.

For More Related Topics Blog: Weight Loss Foods For Women

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