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Monday, October 28, 2013

Healthy Weight Loss in 1 Hour a Day

Finding the plan which suits you as an individual is the first challenge. This applies to your efforts at weight loss as much as in any other area of your life.

If you were certain that one hour spent in a certain way, every day, would guarantee your healthy weight loss, would you dedicate that hour?

Those who can say yes to that - and mean it - can look forward to being the size and shape they dream of.

I understand that this looks like a very big claim. To help explain, I draw your attention the important words.

1. Dedicate

2. Certain way

3. Every day

Every day is particularly important in the beginning. It is known that for a habit to be formed, it must be practiced for 25 to 30 days at least. Miss just of one of those days and you need to start again. That is the way the brain works.

The certain way refers not to what you do, but the way that you do it. In other words, your attitude to what you are doing.

It does not mean doing the same thing for an hour every day; some days it might be some exercise you would not normally have done.

Another could include some menu planning. Reading and research into healthy weight loss should be a part of what you do regularly.

When you dedicate this precious hour, regularly every single day, your whole mindset will change.

For many people the major difficulty will be finding an hour, mothers of young children particularly.

We all need time for ourselves so find yours where you can. What about avoiding your least favourite television program?

Could it be practical to get up an hour earlier? Please try to find time.

Deciding that this is a desirable plan to follow could easily be the best decision you have made for a long time.

Find your hour and dedicate it to becoming healthier and happier. There is so much help and support out there, whether you decide to go it alone or link up with one or more friends.

Make the decision and stick to it.

For More Related Topics Blog: Injections For Weightloss

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