I am going to share a method that leads to significant weight loss in just 2 weeks, it is called the jump start and it is literally a way to boost your diet so you drop pounds fast. If you have been having trouble losing weight or you would simply like to speed up you results then this article will show you the way. It will take only 2 minutes to read but it could pay off greatly over the next 14 days.
Significant Weight Loss
1. Cut carbs after lunch. It is not uncommon for your body to become dependent on carbohydrates for energy, after all they are the body's first choice because they break down easily. The problem is if you have overfeed your body carbs then your body tends to only use them and neglects the energy source you want to burn which is body fat. By avoiding carbohydrates in the afternoon and evening you force your body to burn body fat for energy.
2. Cut out refined carbohydrates. Did you know that when you eat refined carbs you temporarily shut down fat burning in your body? This is because refined carbohydrates like baked goods and white bread are so quickly digested and your body puts all of it's energy into clearing out this food and stops putting energy toward fat burning.
3. Fill up on non-starchy vegetables. These foods take a long time to digest and add volume to your diet so you stay full without adding many calories.
4. Drink 8 glasses of water a day. When you are well hydrated your fat burning metabolism is able to run strong.
5. Prioritize exercise. From weight lifting to cardio exercise the more you move the more fat you burn. Aim for a minimum of 20 minutes 6 days a week.
By following this jump start method for 2 weeks you can expect a significant weight loss.
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